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To earn CME credit for a CME-Audio course/lecture, you must complete all the following components in the order recommended:

  • Listen to the audio program and review accompanying learning materials.

Sometimes you are not in need of CME credits but you still have CME money to use. How about keeping your medical gear up to date! Here are some ideas:  stethoscope, otoscope, and ophthalmoscope diagnostic sets, penlight, tuning fork, neurological reflex hammer, blood pressure cuff, medical fluoride scissor, medical bag, or emergency kit.

Once you purchase a product with streaming, you will have access without an end date and can access it while connected to the internet.

Go to and click on Login (located at the top of your screen). Login using your email address as your Username. If you don’t know your password follow Lost Password procedure to set up a password. Once logged in, go to My Account and then click on My Streaming (on left of screen).

CME-Audio offers a 7 day money back guarantee on individual courses ordered. If you order multiple courses exceeding $1,000.00, CME-Audio will refund you the full amount minus a $50.00 Per Course Administrative Fee. If you have not tried our products previously, we strongly encourage that you purchase a single product first to ensure it will meet your educational style and needs. CME-Audio reserves the right to refuse to sell to individuals who consistently make large purchases only to return them.

Gift Cards/Product Purchases – There are NO REFUNDS on any orders that include gift cards/special promotions. Once you receive your paid invoice and your order and your credit card has been processed NO REFUNDS will be issued. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Category 2 CME materials do not require a certificate. When logging Category 2 CME list “CME-Audio” as the provider.

Not at the moment but we are working on getting these certified in the future.

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